By: Gail
In reply to <a href="">Jaclyn</a>.
Thanks so much for your quick reply; I really appreciate it!
By: Jaclyn
In reply to <a href="">Gail</a>.
Hi Gail, I would wait until you are able to find the proper cut for this recipe another time for now I’d go with a different recipe based off the cut you have. Good luck!
By: Gail
I needed to find an “uncured” ham for Christmas Day & all they had available was a whole ham, not a spiral cut & there’s no bone. I don’t believe I’ve ever cooked a ham without a bone
Would you suggest the same method using the slow cooker? I need the oven fior other dishes.
By: Jaclyn
In reply to <a href="">Duncan Edwards</a>.
Thanks Duncan!
By: Duncan Edwards
At any function this dish alone says, you are welcome and enjoy your meal. we love this presentation :)